Friday, June 17, 2011

My excuse...

To tell the truth, I've wondered for a while whether it is a good time for travelling under such a situation.
The damage of Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami was really huge.
Actually, Japan has suffered a heavy loss.

Well, after the 3.11, we've thought we had to forbear something fun because our fellows were under such a severe condition.
We didn't want to enjoy our lives with disregarding their deep sorrow.
We call it "Jisyuku" mood in Japanese.

However, one day, we became awake to the importance of recovering our country.
If you keep stopping your daily life, our situation will stay there forever.
Actually, economy was very down.
The town was so quiet.
It's not good for them and us.
We must back to our "routine" lives.

Then, finally, we decided to travel somewhere in Golden Week(= a kind of long holidays in Japan).
At first, we planned to travel to Tohoku area to see the beautiful cherry blossom.
However, unfortunately, there were a lot of aftershock at that time in that area.
We must give up it.
Then, next, we planned to travel abroad as usual.
I just wanted to say "Thank you" to my lovely friends who pray for Japan.
Then, I checked air tickets for my second hometown US as the first destination.
However, it was too late to get the ticket cause it was just one week ago before our departure.
I'd tried for 3 days.
However, I couldn't.
It was so pity for me.
OK, I thought I could keep US for the next time.
Then, finally, our destination was decided to Hong Kong.
You know, we also have close friends in Hong Kong.
Then, we traveled to Hong Kong from May 1st to May 8th.

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